- typography
- identity
- branding
- logos
- calarts
- game
- Fictional
- Posters
- web
- color
- interactive
- icon
- concept
- Illustration
- Vector
- Packaging
- abstract
- ux
- exhibition
- PlayStation
- Monogram
- ui
- Book
- album
- wip
This three-part book of essays on design, medium, and context is printed on three types of paper, sheared, and perfect bound in various directions to showcase the effect medium has on content.
"Gewrinclan (gew-rin-clan / gewrinclian) is a recent martial arts style tied to the symbol of mankind’s least-noted transformative ability: our pruney fingers." This is a fictional, lighthearded, and personal thesis project in which I explored themes of water, spirituality, martial-arts, manifestos, cultures, and self-improvement through design. I began with the phrase "Pruney Fingers" and locked myself into developing a 6-month long project around that stupid idea.